Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I never claimed to be a good blogger! However....I have some updates! October has been a great month. Jackson turned 1! I can't believe its already been a year! Halloween came soon after and I had a mini pirate and a SWAT member on my hands! They had a great time. Harrison loaded up on the candy and Jackson was all over that! I hope everyone enjoys the pics!
The Cake! I made it! I was pretty proud of myself!
I just love this pic!

Can you tell that he LOVES cake!!!

The After Party


All My dudes!

Mr. Pirate enjoying his loot!

My oldest. I swear he will end up in the army or a cop!

Such a happy Pirate!
He wasn't that happy when I was drawing that stache on his face, LOL

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Look who decided to show up for a blog....

Guess who LOVES to swing!!!

Loving the car!

Two Brothers! They adore each other!!!

Yes! I'm a bad blogger! I will try to be better. Life's been busy but good! God has been doing some great things lately! I'm working on a bible study called "No Other Gods" and learning that about "idols" that seem to control me. Like being a slave to bills and the finding the money to pay them. I also spend a lot of time thinking about my weight. Basically I need to remember that God has and will always provide for my needs (maybe not all my wants..CRAP!). I am also beautiful in Gods eyes and I need to stop focusing on what the world perceives as beautiful...since its a pretty jacked up work we live in these days. I've got to give all to him and put my focus and faith in him! We will see what the next lessons bring my way!

Anyways....the boys are growing way to fast and it makes me sad. Jackson is almost 1!! I just can't believe how fast this first year has gone by with him. Harrison still adores him and thinks he is the funniest thing EVER!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Meet the Family!!!

Let me introduce you to everyone!! I haven't mastered the posting pictures thing so bare with me!!!

This is my youngest Jackson!

This is my oldest Harrison!

This is the hubby Paul!!

Better late than never.......

I know it's been a long time since my last blog, but I do have excuses, lol. A lot has happened! For one.....I was laid off from my job on Feb. 6th. I'm actually ok with it because that place was taking it's toll on me. It was full of tension, stress and bitterness. I'm not going to rant on about this because it won't do anyone any good. However, I haven't wanted to blog because I didn't want to say things that I couldn't take back or blog while in a bad mood. Enough of that!

So I'm on the job hunt and that has been more difficult than I expected. I know that I'm not the only one in this boat, but I have faith that God is going to take care of things. I've been praying really hard for him to show me what it is I'm suppose to do and for the wisdom to to make it happen. I tend to ask him for his help and then ignore all the answers and wonder why he didn't answer me. This situation can either break your faith or make it stronger and I plan on it making mine stronger!! I'm going to be really honest about my walk in faith through this blog so it should make for an interesting read, lol. I ask for no judgements, because I'm a work in progress, but ALL prayers are welcome!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My First Blog!!

Well it’s my first blog! I’ve been insprired from a couple of my friend’s blogs and some other blogs that have really touched my life. I have listed a few below so check them out. I have enough crazy stories to last forever, mostly coming from my eight year old son, Harrison. For instance; he said my legs were hairy and I should try some “smooth away”!!! Can you tell he watches too much TV or that there are too many ridiculous things being sold??? Stay tuned for pictures as I’m still trying to get the hang of the blogging process!!